Tuesday, July 11, 2006

From me to you

Hey now, you're doing it again
Forcing boundaries on me like always
Hey now, you've been trying so hard
To mould me like clay into something else

And always always I don't see me
Neither in the mirror nor anything
You say you're listening but are you really
Cause everytime I speak...
You shut me off

I just wanna be myself
And become what I wanna be
Don't want to constraint to the world
And abide by these sneers

You said that these are good for me
Well, if inflicting hurt is then it is
You lectured to me about bombastic words
And then took away me and gave me you

And always always I don't see me
Neither in the mirror nor anything
You say you're listening but are you really
Cause everytime I speak...
You shut me off

I just wanna be myself
And become what I wanna be
Don't want to constraint to the world
And abide by these sneers

Just wanna live my life
In a way only I can live
Don't want to squeeze into a society
That's too small for both you and me

So there
Now can you hear me out
For once
Just listen to what I'm saying
And I'm just telling you
I'm not like this
I'm not just another person to conquer
Listen... Just listen!

I just wanna be myself
And become what I wanna be
Don't want to constraint to the world
And abide by these sneers

Just wanna live my life
In a way only I can live
Don't want to squeeze into a society
That's too small for both you and me


At 12:44 PM, Blogger alex said...

And I don't know how Mary or Katy valium are to go out this stormy night in search of a livery stable.. In all human atenolol probability the late omission of the shaking of Sim's and Marann's hands was compensated at their parting that afternoon.. He did not seem to grow old, and he was one of those who never appear to have been very cialis young.. Gorges's, when they will be sure to ask why you are away! Still I demurred, and at last she, with the wit of Eve and of Semiramis conjoined, let me off by saying that, magnesium if I would go in with her, and sustain the initial conversations with the Governor and the ladies staying there, she would risk Dennis for the rest of the evening.. But the truth prevacid forced its way to the front in his disordered understanding at last, and with painful dignity he staggered into an upright position, and regained his beaver.. Well, now, that's suthin' lipitor like.. The statement which will be perhaps then made, that he cannot concentrate his attention upon anything at all, is to be countered by assuring him most positively that such a blank state of mind is utterly calcium impossible.. Among his best stories are: The People's Number of the Worthyville Watchman (May 12, 1900, Saturday Evening Post ), Love's Strange Spell (April 27, 1901, Saturday Evening Post ), Abimelech Higgins' Way (August 24, 1001, Saturday Evening Post ), A Cup of Tea (March, 1902, Metropolitan ), Winning His Spurs (May, 1904, Cosmopolitan ), The Perfidy of Major Pulsifer (November, 1909, Cosmopolitan ), How the Widow Won the Deacon (April, 1911, Harper's Bazaar ), and A Brown Study (December, 1913, Lippincott's thyroid ).. The ego in the dream does not, indeed, represent only zithromax my friend, but stands for myself also.. Ellsworth paused for a moment paxil to exchange a word with Uncle Billy.. The adult has learnt this differentiation; he has also learnt the futility of desire, and by continuous practice manages to postpone his aspirations, until they trileptal can be granted in some roundabout method by a change in the external world.. The idle waters of the lagoon, lying without tide or current in eternal indolence, rippled and sparkled in breeze and sunlight with a merry surface activity, and seemed to lap the leaky little boat more swiftly butalbital on its way.. Drunk, drunk, prednisone drunk, drer-unc, -er-unc, -unc, -unc.. When the good black horse butalbital had jogged along a pleasant road for half an hour Mr.. I paid morphine him when we came to the door, said Edward...

At 9:05 PM, Blogger alex said...

And I don't know how Mary or Katy phentermine are to go out this stormy night in search of a livery stable.. In all human levaquin probability the late omission of the shaking of Sim's and Marann's hands was compensated at their parting that afternoon.. He did not seem to grow old, and he was one of those who never appear to have been very norvasc young.. Gorges's, when they will be sure to ask why you are away! Still I demurred, and at last she, with the wit of Eve and of Semiramis conjoined, let me off by saying that, evista if I would go in with her, and sustain the initial conversations with the Governor and the ladies staying there, she would risk Dennis for the rest of the evening.. But the truth tramadol forced its way to the front in his disordered understanding at last, and with painful dignity he staggered into an upright position, and regained his beaver.. Well, now, that's suthin' nexium like.. The statement which will be perhaps then made, that he cannot concentrate his attention upon anything at all, is to be countered by assuring him most positively that such a blank state of mind is utterly zantac impossible.. Among his best stories are: The People's Number of the Worthyville Watchman (May 12, 1900, Saturday Evening Post ), Love's Strange Spell (April 27, 1901, Saturday Evening Post ), Abimelech Higgins' Way (August 24, 1001, Saturday Evening Post ), A Cup of Tea (March, 1902, Metropolitan ), Winning His Spurs (May, 1904, Cosmopolitan ), The Perfidy of Major Pulsifer (November, 1909, Cosmopolitan ), How the Widow Won the Deacon (April, 1911, Harper's Bazaar ), and A Brown Study (December, 1913, Lippincott's effexor ).. The ego in the dream does not, indeed, represent only hydrocortisone my friend, but stands for myself also.. Ellsworth paused for a moment amoxicillin to exchange a word with Uncle Billy.. The adult has learnt this differentiation; he has also learnt the futility of desire, and by continuous practice manages to postpone his aspirations, until they xanax can be granted in some roundabout method by a change in the external world.. The idle waters of the lagoon, lying without tide or current in eternal indolence, rippled and sparkled in breeze and sunlight with a merry surface activity, and seemed to lap the leaky little boat more swiftly propranolol on its way.. Drunk, drunk, thyroid drunk, drer-unc, -er-unc, -unc, -unc.. When the good black horse celexa had jogged along a pleasant road for half an hour Mr.. I paid vicodin him when we came to the door, said Edward...

At 3:55 AM, Blogger alex said...

And I don't know how Mary or Katy benadryl are to go out this stormy night in search of a livery stable.. In all human viagra probability the late omission of the shaking of Sim's and Marann's hands was compensated at their parting that afternoon.. He did not seem to grow old, and he was one of those who never appear to have been very bactrim young.. Gorges's, when they will be sure to ask why you are away! Still I demurred, and at last she, with the wit of Eve and of Semiramis conjoined, let me off by saying that, thyroid if I would go in with her, and sustain the initial conversations with the Governor and the ladies staying there, she would risk Dennis for the rest of the evening.. But the truth oxycodone forced its way to the front in his disordered understanding at last, and with painful dignity he staggered into an upright position, and regained his beaver.. Well, now, that's suthin' phentermine like.. The statement which will be perhaps then made, that he cannot concentrate his attention upon anything at all, is to be countered by assuring him most positively that such a blank state of mind is utterly thyroid impossible.. Among his best stories are: The People's Number of the Worthyville Watchman (May 12, 1900, Saturday Evening Post ), Love's Strange Spell (April 27, 1901, Saturday Evening Post ), Abimelech Higgins' Way (August 24, 1001, Saturday Evening Post ), A Cup of Tea (March, 1902, Metropolitan ), Winning His Spurs (May, 1904, Cosmopolitan ), The Perfidy of Major Pulsifer (November, 1909, Cosmopolitan ), How the Widow Won the Deacon (April, 1911, Harper's Bazaar ), and A Brown Study (December, 1913, Lippincott's yasmin ).. The ego in the dream does not, indeed, represent only cialis my friend, but stands for myself also.. Ellsworth paused for a moment magnesium to exchange a word with Uncle Billy.. The adult has learnt this differentiation; he has also learnt the futility of desire, and by continuous practice manages to postpone his aspirations, until they cialis can be granted in some roundabout method by a change in the external world.. The idle waters of the lagoon, lying without tide or current in eternal indolence, rippled and sparkled in breeze and sunlight with a merry surface activity, and seemed to lap the leaky little boat more swiftly adderall on its way.. Drunk, drunk, valium drunk, drer-unc, -er-unc, -unc, -unc.. When the good black horse atenolol had jogged along a pleasant road for half an hour Mr.. I paid viagra him when we came to the door, said Edward...

At 7:04 AM, Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

At 10:48 PM, Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...


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