Friday, October 14, 2005

broken trust

you claimed you were my friend
but what kind of friend
lies to you that he is busy,
just so that he could save cash?

i don't understand,
your need to lie.
boy, you know i would have
understood anyway.

your words haunt me..
i cant forget what you admitted.
could you really have not cared
about how i felt?

you were the one i trusted most,
the one i could always turn to.
yet when you gave your excuses,
not once did i doubt you.

i backed off each time
my hand itched to message you.
i knew you were busy
and i sure didn't want to disturb you.

but to betray my trust so!
to lie to me like you did..
to find out that
it was all just a pretense!

i don't know how i can trust
whatever you say anymore.
cos now i cant help wondering,
cos now i cant help doubting.

was it so difficult,
to tell me the truth?
that's all you had to do, y'know..
i would have understood.

o7 sept o5, o3 5o hours


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